Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Financial Formulas and Calculators
Financial RatioΒ Analysis {Accounting tutorials and more}
- Senator Al Franken draws map of USA {from memory, amazing} (YouTube, 1:21)
- Have you heard of the term, “Pole of Inaccessibility“? I found out about the term in this Bicycling Magazine article
- Antipode (Wikipedia)
- The 5 boroughs of New York City
- You can virtually bicycle through all five Boroughs on this Fulgaz ride (and I have)
- Neighborhoods of Manhattan
Track the movement of Amtrak trains
Detroit places and events of note
- Renaissance Center tours (GMRenCen)
- People Mover
- Ford Field
- Comerica Park
- Little Caesars Arena (LCA)
- Tour de Troit bicycle ride
- Lexus Velodrome
- Fisher Building
- Bridges and Tunnels
- Greektown
- Roosevelt Park
- Belle Isle (pronounced “aisle”)
- Grosse Ile (pronounced “eel”)
Rubik’s Cube
- Best Video for Solving Rubik’s Cube | BEGINNERS GUIDE YouTube (18:20) by Claudia Carlucci
- Rubik’s Cube – by Naseer MuhammedAg
- There are downloadable Solution Guides at
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Have you ever heard of “Piano Day” (88th day of the year)
I’m fascinated by “Super Tall” buildings
Wikipedia – List of Tallest Buildings