Power Apps Resources

Designing a Power Apps App (Canvas App) by Microsoft Learn

Power Apps Cheat Sheet For Beginners from Pragmatic Works

Brian Knight’s (Pragmatic Works, great company) YouTube playlist (111 videos, last count), including “Build Your First Canvas Power Apps Tutorial [Hands-On Course], 3:01:15″

What is PowerApps? The Complete Introduction by Dries Verdonckt at Collab365

How to Get Started with Power Apps by April Dunnam, YouTube 9:02 (free subscription and tools, good extra links)

2022 Power Apps Coding Standards (a 52 pp. PDF from Matthew Devaney)

2000 Free Power Apps Icons also by Matthew Devaney

Power Apps 911 by Shane Young

Power Apps Tutorial for Beginners by PowerApps911, short YouTube by Shane Young

Shane Young’s YouTube channel (212 videos, last count)

Power Apps Guide by Tim Leung

Power Apps for Reading and Writing Data to a SQL Server Database in Azureby Hristo Hristov at MSSQLTips

Building Beautiful Buttons in Canvas Apps – Part 1 by Kristine Kolodziejski

Power Apps Creator Kit: Take Your Apps to the Next Level by Amber Weise, Senior Power Platform Global Black Belt at Microsoft (see also the references at the bottom of the webpage/post on the “Power Apps Creator Kit“.

Pragmatic Works Power Apps Component Library (“Digital Goodies”) by Pragmatic Works

How To Create A Power App From Figma Tutorial | Figma and Power apps Integration by Power Apps University, YouTube (6:07)