PowerShell (PoSh) Resources

What is PowerShell? Microsoft documentation reference. Lots of good subtopics.
Windows PowerShell Language Specification Version 3.0
Microsoft resource (downloadable Word document). Don’t worry, it’s only 334 pages.
Installing PowerShell on Windows Download location
Download Visual Studio CodeThe future of PowerShell is PowerShell Core, and the environment to develop PowerShell code is VS Code.
How to check the PowerShell version & install a new version$PSVersion (execute at the PowerShell prompt)
How to Check your PowerShell VersionAll the Ways!
How to Install or Update PowerShell to the Latest Version in Windows 10
How To Check PowerShell Version in Windows 10
About Execution PoliciesSystem changes are likely required before one can run PowerShell code.

–Get-ExecutionPolicy -List –Determine current policy
–Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted — Override/change the default of “Restricted”, which writes to the Registry.
–Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Restricted –Return to the original value
The Guide to Learning PowerShell

Learn How To Start Using PowerShell
Explore Example Scripts
View Advanced Topics
(bunch of video links, too)
Whitepaper by Tobias Weltner, sponsored by
The Complete Guide to PowerShell Punctuationby Michael Sorens at
The Poster of the Plethora of PowerShell PitfallsAlso by Michael Sorens

He also references PowerShell Traps and The Big Book of PowerShell Gotchas
PowerShell Cheat Sheetby CompariTech
PowerShell Cheat Sheet v4.0

And here’s their PowerShell Primer also
SANS Institute
PowerShell Master ClassYouTube playlist (10 videos in the series) by John Savill
Create Microsoft 365 user accounts with PowerShellMicrosoft reference
PowerShell Notes for Professionals72 chapters, that’s all.
Links to a bunch of free PowerShell ebooksfrom the DevOps Collective, Inc.
PowerShell.orgFree ebooks and much more
PowerShell SuccinctlyFree ebook by Rui Machado sponsored by Syncfusion
PowerShell GalleryThe central repository for sharing and acquiring PowerShell code including PowerShell modules, scripts, and DSC resources.
Scripting Center“Get started with Microsoft developer tools and technologies. Explore our samples and discover the things you can build.”
I’ve Got a PowerShell Secret: Adding a GUI to Scriptsby Dr. Scripto
PowerShell resources at Idera
An Introduction to PowerShell for a DBAby Alex Chamchourine at SQLServerCentral
Add Excellent Comments to Your PowerShell Scriptby Ed Wilson, the Microsoft Scripting Guy
PowerShell CommunityA place for the community to learn PowerShell and share insights.
PowerShell CoreMicrosoft documentation. This section contains the help topics for the cmdlets that are installed with PowerShell Microsoft.PowerShell.Core module.
PowerShell MagazineOnline, of course
My PowerShell crib notesPDF format
Word format
Let me know if you have any additional suggestions!